The new “Data Moving” Mvc Controls Toolkit plug-in is next to be released. In this post we will review its main and more interesting feautures.
The “Data Moving” plug-in is a complete set of out-of-the-box controls for Asp.Net Mvc, that can be styled with the jQuery UI styling framework, plus some interaction primitives. It contains, a menu 4 kind of grids a TreeView/TreeGrid and a powerful Mvc/knockout interface for jqPlot, and tinyMce. All Item controls can be configured with a simple fluent interface.
All Items controls have facilities to page, filter and sort data, either on the client side or on the server side, and for sending data to the server in json format, or with normal (or Mvc ajax) form submits. Data from different controls may be grouped into a single client-side ViewModel before being sent to the server, in a quite automatic and simple way. There is also a Detail Form to be used either alone or to show the details of any item of an items control, and a fully out-of-the-box dual select box. The Detail Form has an undo/redo stack, and all items controls have changes tracking and undo capabilities, so that we can submit to the server just the changes done on all items.
However, the more interesting feature of this plug-in is that it allows users to modify complex data structures by dragging and manipulating UI elements. This means that all controls may interact among them and with other Html nodes on the page. Interactions can be triggered either programmatically or by means of Drag and Drop operations. Drag-Drop interactions are defined by declaring DragSources:
- public static MvcHtmlString DragSource(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string selector, IEnumerable<string> offer=null, DataDragOptions options=null)
- public static MvcHtmlString DragSourceItems(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string rootSelector, string itemsSelector, IEnumerable<string> offer=null, DataDragOptions options = null)
and DropSources:
- public static MvcHtmlString DropTarget(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string selector, IEnumerable<string> accept, DataDropOptions options = null)
- public static MvcHtmlString DropTargetItems(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string rootSelector, string itemsSelector, IEnumerable<string> accept, DataDropOptions options = null)
The helpers ending in “Items” are conceived to operate on list of items, where new items can be created. Namely they declare as Drag or Drop targets all Html nodes satisfying the the jQuery selector itemsSelector that are descendants of Html nodes satisfying the jQuery selector rootSelector. Also newly created descendants satisfying itemSelector are immediately Drag or Drop enabled. Their typical application is defining all(…or some, depending on itemsSelector) items of a grid or of a TreeView/TreeGrid as Drag or Drop targets.
offer and accept specify respectively what are the “infos” offered and what are the infos “accepted”. Only if there is a match between these two lists a drag and drop operation is possible. DataDragOptions and DataDropOptions specify several options of the operation, that include both pure graphic effects and processing callbacks(the result of a callback may also force the failure of the operation).
The more important property of DataDropOptions is:
- public DropBehaviour Behaviour { get; set; }
- public enum DropBehaviour {DataBind=0, DataSync=1, InsertBefore=2, InsertAfter=3, Append=4, Replace=5};
- DataBind. A DataBind operation is performed between the DragSource and the DopTarget: The content of input fields or complex controls of the DropTarget is filled with the content of the input fields/controls of the DragSource that match them. Input fields and complex controls content are processed in .Net Type aware fashion. The way input fields/controls match is decided according to naming conventions, declarations contained in Html5 data- attributes, and/or string expression contained in the custom Reference knockout binding
- DataSync. A binding occurs as before, but in this case a bidirectional communication channel is built between the matching elements so that any change performed on one element is immediately reflected on the other ones.
- InserBefore, InsertAfter, Append, Replace. A new item is created and inserted respectively before or after the DropTarget, or as last element of the DropTarget siblings, or as a replacement for the DropTarget. After , a binding is performed between the DragSource and the newly created element.
The way the new item is created depends on some item creation capability that is attached in someway to the father of the DropTarget and on a selection callback specified in the DataDropOptions. For instance, if the DropTarget is an item of a grid the item is created by using the “create new item” capability of the grid, and if the grid has several items templates the template is chosen with the help of the selection callback. The Data Moving plugin can take advantage also of the new item creation capabilities of all standard knockout bindings like the template binding.
Some controls have such as the SimpleGrid and the TreeView/TreeGrid have native item moving capabilities that are completely independent from the above Drag-Drop primitives.
The video below shows some of the Drag-Drop/Interaction that we have briefly described. The first example shows Reference binding based interactions that work only with knockout powered controls and Html nodes. While the second example shows Html5 attributes based interactions.
See this video in High Resolution on the Data Moving Plug-in site
It is worth to say that all operations shown in the video works also on Tablets and mobile phones.
The Drag and Drop operation between a Customer entry and an E-Mail that is described in the previous video, and that results in the creation of a new E-Mail containing all relevant customer information is obtained with the following code:
- @Html.DragSourceItems("#Directory", ".directoryEntry", new string[] { "ContactInfos" },
- new DataDragOptions {
- DestroyOriginal=true,
- DestroyCallback = DataDragOptions.RemoveItemFromControl,
- Opacity = 0.8F
- })
- @Html.DropTargetItems("#Messages", ".internal-data-row",
- new string[] { "ContactInfos" },
- new DataDropOptions{
- Behaviour = DropBehaviour.InsertBefore,
- HoverClass = "HoverTarget",
- ActiveClass = "AcceptableTarget"
- })
Quite easy! A few lines of simple code, a so powerful effect!
This other video shows the TreeView dragging and node-moving capabilities, and how to submit just the changes to the server
See this video in High Resolution on the Data Moving Plug-in site
In the above video all changes are submitted in json format by some instances of the updatesManager class. These instances are created automatically by the TreeView with the help of a few information supplied with a fluent interface:
- .CreateUpdatesManager<HumanResourcesChangesViewModel>("DepUpdater").BasicInfos(m => m.Id, m => m.Departments).IsRoot(Url.Action("HumanResourcesChanges", "TreeView")).EndUpdatesManager()
The above settings define the main updatesManager of the left tree in the example. It takes care of the communication with the action method. They specify just the collection to work with(Departments), its principal key(Id) and the Url of the receiving action method.
- .CreateUpdatesManager<HumanResourcesChangesViewModel>("TeamUpdater").BasicInfos(m => m.Id, m => m.Teams).IsNotRoot(m => m.Father, 0).EndUpdatesManager()
- .CreateUpdatesManager<HumanResourcesChangesViewModel>("PersonUpdater").BasicInfos(m => m.Id, m => m.Persons).IsNotRoot(m => m.Father, 1).EndUpdatesManager()
The last two lines of code define the updatesManagers that takes care of all children entities of the left tree in the example. The children entities changes are inserted in the same ViewModel of the main entities that are in the root of the three so that they are submitted to the same action method of the main entities. Accordingly, the parameter containing the Url of the action method is substituted with a parameter containing row they are children of (0 and 1 in the above examples) and with another parameter containing the external key(Father, for both updatesManagers).
All items controls are based on the concepts of rows and columns that can be configured exactly in the same way in all item controls. Rows are used both to show data, and to to build headers, footers, title bars and toolbars with the help of specialized columns such as: pager columns, parameters columns, button columns, etc. There are pre-defined buttons based on the jQuery UI styling framework icons, however the user may define custom icons, custom button operations and anything clickable with an Html5 data-operation attribute can be used as a button.
There are standard column templates and each control has its own default row template. Both of them can be configured easily with a fluent interface, but the developer can also override them with templates defined with partial views, Razor helpers, or simple code.
Below an example of a custom column template in the menu control:
And the code to create it:
- .AddRowType()
- .StartTextColumn("", htmlEncode:true).CustomTemplateFixed(TemplateType.Display, @<div id='switcher' class="ui-widget"></div>).EndColumn()
- .AddTextColumn("<div id='themeBlender' style='width: 150px;' ></div>", htmlEncode:false)
- .EndRowType()
Below an example of custom Row template on the same menu:
And the code to create it:
- .AddRowType().CustomRowTemplateFixed(TemplateType.Display,
- @<div class="about-info ui-state-highlight">
- <p>
- MVCControlsToolkit & Data Moving are developed by Francesco Abbruzzese
- <br />
- @item.LinkFor(m => m.Text, m => m.Text, new { target=item.ViewData.Model.Target, tabindex="0"})
- </p>
- <p>
- Copyright (c) 2010 Francesco Abbruzzese,
- <br />
- <a tabindex='0' href=""></a>
- </p>
- </div>).EndRowType();
Another interesting feauture of DataMoving controls is the possibility to store controls and Row settings giving them a name. This way one can define named control styles that can be reused with completely different type of datas by “recalling” all their settings through their names.
For instance, the TreeView control can be shaped in very different ways, to implement also TreeGrids, and “classic” Grids.
Below a classic TreeView:
And the code to store these settings with the “StandardTreeFile” name:
- h.ClientTreeView(m => m.SampleIEnumerableProperty).
- TreeOptions().TreeViewStyle(TreeViewCssClasses.TreeViewFile).CustomNodeCssClasses(null, false).EndTreeOptions()
- .SetAsDefault(DefaultScope.Named, "StandardTreeFile");
This is a TreeGrid implemented with the same control:
And the code to store these settings:
- h.ClientTreeView(m => m.SampleIEnumerableProperty).
- TreeOptions().DisableFatherSelection().CustomNodeCssClasses(null, false).EndTreeOptions()
- .Container(ItemContainerLevel.Column, true, null, null, JQueryUICssClasses.ContentContainer)
- .StartToolbar(false)
- .RowContainerLevel(ItemContainerLevel.Row)
- .AddTextColumn(null, null, 30, false, true)
- .AddButtonToolbar(ShowButtonIn.Both, CommandButtonType.Add, "0 edit")
- .AppendButton(ShowButtonIn.Both, CommandButtonType.GoEdit)
- .AppendButton(ShowButtonIn.Both, CommandButtonType.GoDisplay)
- .AppendButton(ShowButtonIn.Both, CommandButtonType.Delete)
- .AppendButton(ShowButtonIn.Both, CommandButtonType.Undo)
- .AppendButton(ShowButtonIn.Both, CommandButtonType.UndoWithChildren)
- .ColumnWidth(180, false, true).EndButtons()
- .EndToolBar()
- .EnableWidthChange()
- .EnableAlternateStyle()
- .RootClass(TreeViewCssClasses.TreeViewCompact)
- .SetAsDefault(DefaultScope.Named, "StandardTreeGrid");
Finally, a “classic” grid:
And the code to store the associated settings:
- h.ClientTreeView(m => m.SampleIEnumerableProperty).
- TreeOptions().DisableFatherSelection().DisableTreeModifications().DisableOpenClose().TreeViewStyle(TreeViewCssClasses.TreeViewSimpleGrid).EndTreeOptions()
- .Container(ItemContainerLevel.Column, true, null, null, JQueryUICssClasses.ContentContainer)
- .EnableAlternateStyle()
- .EnableWidthChange(true)
- .ChildrenContainer(200)
- .StartToolbar(false)
- .RowContainerLevel(ItemContainerLevel.Row)
- .StartParameterColumn(0, 0).CustomColumnClass(GenericCssClasses.NoWrap).EndColumn()//Title
- .EndToolBar()
- .StartToolbar(false)
- .RowContainerLevel(ItemContainerLevel.Row)
- .AddButtonToolbar(ShowButtonIn.Both, CommandButtonType.Add, "0 edit")
- .CustomColumnClass(GenericCssClasses.NoWrap)
- .AppendButton(ShowButtonIn.Both, CommandButtonType.GoEdit)
- .AppendButton(ShowButtonIn.Both, CommandButtonType.GoDisplay)
- .AppendButton(ShowButtonIn.Both, CommandButtonType.Delete)
- .AppendButton(ShowButtonIn.Both, CommandButtonType.Undo)
- .AppendButton(ShowButtonIn.Both, CommandButtonType.UndoAll)
- .EndButtons()
- .EndToolBar()
- .SetAsDefault(DefaultScope.Named, "StandardClientGrid");
Some controls are server side, that is their Html is created on the server, and other controls are client side, that is their Html is created on the client side with the help of client templates. However, both kind of controls are programmed exactly in the same way, and use the same kind of rows or columns templates. The only difference being that in the case of client side controls the server templates are compiled automatically into client templates by the control.
The SendToClient helper can be used to get a new HtmlHelper capable of generating “Client Side code”(which includes alsoa Client-Side ViewModel). It works as a normal helper, and there is no difference in the way it is used.
The chart control based on jqPlot and theTreeView are client side controls, there is also a pure server side grid, and a grid called SimpleGrid that is able to render in both ways, that is, it detects the kind of HtmlHelper and behaves accordingly. The SimpleGrid has less out-of-the box feautures but it allows an higher degree of control of the Html that is created.
Also the Detail Form control as all other remaining controls is able to work both as a server side and a client side control.
All client side controls are based on knockout.js, and the developer have the freedom to mix freely client side and server side controls in the same page.
That’s all for now !
Be the first one to build a futuristic application with the DataMoving plugin! Companies wishing to start immediately pioneering projects based on the DataMoving Plugin can contact me for consulence
Tags: MVC Controls Toolkit, MVC Helpers, Data Moving, MVC Controls, mvc